Orgnisation A is looking for a healthcare professional and has found a potential candidate who is a citizen of the United States. The organisation has offered a job contract to the candidate and they have agreed on the terms and conditions of the employment. The candidate should apply for the residence permit for an employed person before arriving into Finland. It is often easiest to apply for the residence permit in the e-service EnterFinland.
After completing the application he shall visit a Finnish mission (embassy or consulate general) in his country of origin to verify his identity, have his fingerprints taken and present the originals of the attachments.
This type of residence permit is processed in two stages by the authorities; first the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE-toimisto) makes a partial decision in which, among other things, the availability of the labour force is assessed and determined whether within EU/EEA countries labour force is available within a reasonable time for the work in question. After the partial decision by the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE-toimisto), the Finnish Immigration Service will process the application and make a final decision.
The employee may not start working until he has been granted a residence permit for an employed person. Once the Finnish Immigration Service has granted a residence permit the applicant will receive a residence permit card.
If the employee is accompanied by a family it is advisable to apply for the residence permits of the entire family at once.